I have discussed my ongoing work on NPR’s All Things Considered and The Indicator. Articles in the Washington Post, the New York Times, GEN magazine, and on Fox News and CNN have featured my work and comments. I also spoke to host Rob Ferret and callers on the Wisconsin Public Radio show Central Time. And for an article in the Denver Post, I discussed some of the difficulties millennials face in buying houses and building wealth.
I spoke to Katherine Shaver at the Washington Post about the legacy of racial covenants and exclusionary zoning in my neighborhood. I also discussed declining access to homeownership for young adults and rising home prices on MPR’s Marketplace Morning Report.
I spoke with Adrian Morrow at the Globe and Mail about the importance of direct assistance to those affected by the COVID-19 economic downturn. I spoke on Fox News and in National Geographic about the impact of this recession on younger generations in particular. I joined a panel on Minnesota Public Radio to discuss “how millennials fared financially and at work during the pandemic.”
Professor Paul Dolan made some extraordinary claims based on his interpretation of American Time Use Survey. I noted at least one significant error in his analysis, and he partially retracted his findings. I discussed this on BBC Radio 4’s More or Less. A Vox writeup provided a good summary of what happened and what this means for academic research communicated through mass-market books. This was also discussed on Good Morning America and in the Globe and Mail and Quartz.